Our Study Groups are educational initiatives focused on books and research papers discussing zero-knowledge. ZK Hack community can gather together and dive into these ZK-resources to study the theoretical and practical details.
In the below sessions produced by ZK Hack, Guillermo Angeris, co-author of the paper Succinct Proofs and Linear Algebra, covers the different components of his research work, and also offers exercises for the students to practice.
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Linear Algebra & Probabilistic Implications
In this session recorded on November 28th, 2023, Guillermo Angeris gives a refresher about the key concepts used in his research paper Succinct Proofs and Linear Algebra: conventions and notation, linear codes, and probabilistic implications.
The topics covered correspond more or less to the Intro and Part I of the paper, and are meant to lay the foundations for the next sessions.
Common Tools in Succinct Proofs
In this session recorded on November 30th, 2023, Guillermo Angeris continues with his presentation on the research paper Succinct Proofs and Linear Algebra, discussing tools commonly used in the zero-knowledge literature such as the zero check or the sparsity check.
The topics covered correspond more or less to Part II and first half of Part III of the paper, and are meant to build a “toolbox” of check techniques, which will be applied to a famous ZK proof protocol in the next and last session.
Vector Subspace Structure & FRI
In this last session recorded on December 5th, 2023, Guillermo Angeris tackles the last chunk of the research paper Succinct Proofs and Linear Algebra, which aims to prove the security of the protocol “Fast Reed-Solomon Interactive Oracle Proof of Proximity” (aka FRI).
The topics covered correspond more or less to the end of Part III and Part IV of the paper, although astute readers will notice some details are skipped in the lecture; feel free to come discuss these in the dedicated channel on our Discord!
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