26th November
19:00 UTC
Everybody knows that you don’t really have to use the ZK version of SNARKs, because the proofs are so small anyway and can’t reveal much. Or do you?
To give you a better chance of solving this puzzle, we suggest that you look through some relevant background materials.
The secret is located in a cell in the advice column of index 1 at position 3, and you have 64 evaluations of it. These are the columns that are related to hashing the secret using Poseidon and they do not depend on the nonce.
Try adding these two lines:
> println!("verifier x: {:?}", *x);
> println!("verifier eval: {:?}", advice_evals[0][1]);
./halo2/halo2_proofs/src/plonk/verifier.rs file and think if the printed values can be useful for
extracting the secret.
Use the evaluations from the previous hint and the following interpolation function:
> use halo2_proofs::arithmetic::lagrange_interpolate;
> let coeffs = lagrange_interpolate(&xs, &evals);
to reconstruct the polynomial.
Then evaluate it in w^2
> let w = Fr::from_str_vartime("12799441450189702121232122059226990287081568291547011007819741462284200902087").unwrap();
Puzzle completed
Puzzle completed
Puzzle completed
You can see all of the scores for this puzzle in the spreadsheet here.
The winner of the "Best Write-up" prize is piomiko. You can view the solution and
puzzle write-up
The background material required to solve the puzzle is also covered in the write up.
There were many interesting write-up submissions which are linked below:
* Winning write-up by piomiko
* Write-up by niooss-ledger
* Write-up by 10to4
* Write-up by 0x6980
* Write-up by huy-tn
* Write-up by Jasleen1